Friday, April 4, 2014

One size fits all

I love makeup for so many reasons.  Trying to list them all would be exhausting because I find something new to appreciate daily.  Yesterday it was the fact that I got to be creative and try something new.  I rarely do a bold thick eyeliner, and decided to because I had run my budget and could afford the Electric Palette from Urban Decay.  I figured I might be able to pair the bold liner with a gorgeous new color and could hardly contain myself.  Once more, I had enough time to stop by Ulta and pick it up... only I was ignored by several staff as I looked up and down the isle to figure out where they moved the Urban Decay.

Finally I had enough trying to hunt it down and centered myself in front of someone so I couldn't be ignored.  She shuffled me over quickly, and then stopped in from of the display eyeing me up and down. Being a fat chick I know the look.  I looked fine, I don't do slovenly or even run down when I step out the door, except maybe the midnight grocery run.  I had a lovely pair of slacks paid with a cami and overshirt.  My makeup was flawless.  The hair even looked cute.

She then told me it wasn't available when I asked where the palette was, and I was baffled to hear her say it wasn't available.  I know while beauty bloggers get mailed palettes first to review them and have us salivate, that I had an email and had been drooling over Urban Decay's website when I got the email that it was available.  I had even that morning checked to make sure it was for sale online to see if their price was different from Sephora's.  Hell it was even available at Sephora as well.  I dunno if physical stores get a different release time or what.  The rep even told me she knew when it would be at the store but seemed to gleefully let me know she couldn't let me in on it.  Which counter intuitive from a selling standpoint.

I won't pretend I wasn't bummed it wasn't available, even though it is online.  What bothered me more what that snobbery and strange love hate thing that goes on with these shops.  I have heard in the past others talk about Sephora like this, and to be honest because of my weight and knowing people only see the fat rather then a person, I tend to order online but I don't think that's going to fix it.  Regardless of my size, I will never fit the norm of perfect, and I shouldn't have to force a customer service rep to acknowledge me or even treat my with some civility.

Luckily for me, a little time with a palette like today can help shake off those things.  Too Faced "Totally Fetch" from the pretty little rebel palette can make everything awesome!  That pink is so highly pigmented a little seriously goes a long way.  I love it!  And sometimes I need that reminder to embrace Miss Piggy, a character who loves herself regardless of anyone else rather then pulling an Eeyore.

1 comment:

  1. Miss Piggy is a badass! As I read this I wondered what it would be like for someone who is "normally perfect" to treat her like she treated you. To make her feel small and then explain to her at the end of the conversation why she was treated as such. Got my temper going that happened to you. Made me want to be there and just dress her down.
