Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Just a kiss

Its been damned hard to find the time to do more then Facebook some new looks and interests.  School certainly has taken up all of my time.

One of my favorite indie brands is shutting their doors.  Its normally a one person operation and apparently just too much.  BFTE is part of what triggered me into wanting to do more then just daily wear for makeup so I'm kinda bummed.

Nails have taken my interest as well.  However I find I am not as skilled in that medium as makeup.  It's hard to do good mani's.  Plus I am avoiding fake nails to try and strengthen mine.  KISS sent me some nail paint for being a top influenster, which was awesome.  I needed a quick pick me up in-between school assignments!

Beyond this I'm planning on picking up the Naked 3 palette (hopefully soon) as well as a few other odds and ends.  I wanna try some things from Essence and some new at Play stuff from Mary Kay.

Now to get back to my homework, that is never ending!

***While I got the product, I'm not paid nor requested to endorse them.  Just my opinions, which you would get regardless***